
Restaurant Menu Evaluation System

Don't laugh. I know it's sketchy, but I think it's a great place to start. This is the final project for my PHP course, the assignment required us to choose a field and create a website for it, the website must use PHP and MySQL.

Section 1

Based on this requirement, I chose the restaurant industry and designed a website and backend system for a “restaurant”. Similar to the google review system.

The front-end of the website: Users can browse the dishes and rate them.

Section 3

THe Back-end of website: administrator can log in and CRUD relevant dishes and user reviews.

Section 4

For the first time, this project has given me a concrete concept of application combined with database. I also through this project gradually figure out, each field each set of data stored in where, how to find the database and display on the front end. My instructor was so impressed that he thought I really had a restaurant and that's why I was so serious about it. But I don't really have a restaurant, it's just that the more I do it, the more fun I feel.

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